Service Scenario Description

HMS FaceOff Dress Trial app is the application for dress trial with different type of dress trial room. User can go to the different type of dress rooms (room1, room2, room3, room4) to trial dresses. Each room have multiple dresses of different type of clothes to trial by users
In this code lab application we have implemented below features with HMS kits.


HMS Kits

Image crop

Image kit – Image Cropping Service

Image Flip

Image kit – Image Cropping Service

Image Rotation

Image kit – Image Cropping Service

Image Segmentation

ML Kit - Image Segmentation

What You Will Create

In this code lab, you will create demo project and use the APIs of Image kit and ML kit (Image Segmentation) you can explore the following processes in the demo project:

What You Will Learn

In this code lab, you will learn how to:

Hardware Requirements

Software Requirements

Use the below link for preparing for the integration

  1. Enable the API permission for below kits from Project Setting > Manage APIs and enable the API permission.

Now, you have successfully enabled HUAWEI Services required for your app.

Home Screen

User can go to the different type of dresses room (room1, room2, room3, room4) to trial dresses. Each room have multiple dresses of different type of clothes to trial by users

Dress Trial Room

Once click on Room images (Room1, Room2, Room3, Room4)
a) It will show the dress trial room where the user can select dresses from bottom bar dress section and selected dress can become big size
b) If user want to try with another room, User can click on back button to navigate home screen

Integration of Image Kit (Image Cropping Service)

Use below link to Integrate HMS core SDK for following kits
Image Kit - Image Cropping Service

This service provides the cropping function for users to resize images. Image cropping service APIS are implemented based on CropLayoutView, which is a custom view.

Step 1- Add CropLayoutView using**ew, into the XML of the layout.

< android:id="@+id/cropImageView" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" app:layout_constraintEnd_toEndOf="parent" app:layout_constraintStart_toStartOf="parent" app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent"> </>

Step 2 – Create the object of croplayoutview. And set the bitmap image to be process the image (crop, flip, rotation)


cropLayoutView = findViewById(; cropLayoutView.setImageBitmap(new Util().rotateImage(bmp, ROTATION_ANGLE_IN_DEGREES)); cropLayoutView.setAspectRatio(ASPECT_RATIO_X, ASPECT_RATIO_Y); cropLayoutView.setFixedAspectRatio(Constants.STATUS_FAILURE);


cropLayoutView = findViewById(; cropLayoutView?.setImageBitmap(Util().rotateImage(bmp, ROTATION_ANGLE_IN_DEGREES.toFloat())); cropLayoutView?.setAspectRatio(ASPECT_RATIO_X, ASPECT_RATIO_Y); cropLayoutView?.setFixedAspectRatio(Constants. STATUS_FAILURE);

Step 3 – make rotation, flip and save the cropped image

Integration of ML kit (Image Segmentation)

Use below link to Integrate HMS core SDK for following kits
ML Kit – Image Segmentation

The image segmentation service segments same elements (such as human body, plant, and sky) from an image. The return values of human body segmentation include the coordinate array of the human body, human body image with a transparent background, and gray-scale image with a white human body and black background.
There are two types of image segmentation service model packages: human body segmentation model package and multiclass segmentation model package.
In this project you can implement human body segmentation model package which is used to segment the human body and background

Step1 - Create an image segmentation analyzer.


public void createAnalyzer() { MLImageSegmentationSetting setting = new MLImageSegmentationSetting.Factory() .setExact(false) // Set the human body segmentation mode. .setAnalyzerType(MLImageSegmentationSetting.BODY_SEG) .setScene(MLImageSegmentationScene.FOREGROUND_ONLY) .create(); analyzer = MLAnalyzerFactory.getInstance().getImageSegmentationAnalyzer(setting); }


fun createAnalyzer() { val setting = MLImageSegmentationSetting.Factory() .setExact(IsStatus) .setAnalyzerType(MLImageSegmentationSetting.BODY_SEG) .setScene(MLImageSegmentationScene.FOREGROUND_ONLY) .create() analyzer = MLAnalyzerFactory.getInstance().getImageSegmentationAnalyzer(setting) }

Step2 – Process Image Segmentation –

Step3 – Get Bitmap image after returning segmentation object at onSuccess method. Use getForeground() to get foreground bitmap object


private void displaySuccess(MLImageSegmentation imageSegmentationResult) { Bitmap bitmapFore = imageSegmentationResult.getForeground(); if (bitmapFore != null) { isListner.getSegmentationImage(bitmapFore); stopAnalyser(); } else { Log.e(TAG, "displaySuccess:bitmapFore is null. "); } }


private fun displaySuccess(imageSegmentationResult: MLImageSegmentation) { val bitmapFore = imageSegmentationResult.getForeground() if (bitmapFore != null) { isListner.getSegmentationImage(bitmapFore) stopAnalyser() } else { Log.d(TAG, Constants.BITMAP_NULL) } }

Step4 - After the detection is complete, stop the analyzer to release detection resources.


public void stopAnalyser() { if (analyzer != null) { try { analyzer.stop(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "stopAnalyser: " + e); } } }


fun stopAnalyser() { if (analyzer != null) { try { analyzer!!.stop() } catch (e: IOException) { Log.d(TAG, Constants.EXCEPTION_MSG, e) } } }

Well done. You have successfully built a dress trial app and learned how to:

  1. Image kit-Image cropping Service
  2. ML Kit – Image Segmentation
    The source code can be found at:
    Download sample source code