
HUAWEI CG Rendering Framework is a high-performance rendering framework based on the Vulkan graphics API, consisting of the PBR material, model, texture, illumination, and component systems, and more. This framework is designed for Huawei DDK features and implementation details to provide the optimal 3D rendering capability of the Huawei platform. In addition, the framework supports secondary development, with reduced difficulty and increased efficiency.
You need to perform the following operations:

What You Will Create

In this codelab, you will use the demo project to call the CG Kit APIs provided by Huawei. Through this demo project, you will:

What You Will Learn

Hardware Requirements

Software Requirements

Required Knowledge

To integrate HUAWEI CG Kit, you must complete the following preparations:

  1. Register as a developer.
  2. Create an App.
  3. Generate a signing certificate fingerprint.
  4. Configure the signing certificate fingerprint.
For details, please refer to CG Kit Development Guide.
  1. Create an Android Studio project.
  2. Modify the /app/build.gradle file to specify the C++ file for CMake building. Create the build dependencies of CMake in the /app/build.gradle file.
  3. Configure the NDK ABI filter.

  4. Copy libraries and header files.
    a) Download the SDK package from SDK Download.
    b) Copy the SDK header files to the resource library.
    Copy the header files in the SDK to the src/main/cpp/include directory in Android Studio.

    c) Copy the .so files in the SDK to the resource library.
    Copy libs\arm64-v8a\libcgkit.so and libs\armeabi-v7a\libcgkit.so in the SDK package to libs/arm64-v8a and /libs/armeabi-v7a in Android Studio, respectively.

    d) Overwrite the CMakeLists.txt file in app/src/main/cpp with the following code. The CGRenderingFramework folder name can be user-defined.
    cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4.1) include_directories( ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include/CGRenderingFramework ) include_directories( ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include/MainApplication ) add_library( main-lib SHARED source/Main.cpp source/MainApplication.cpp) ADD_LIBRARY( cgkit SHARED IMPORTED) set_target_properties(cgkit PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../../../libs/${ANDROID_ABI}/libcgkit.so ) SET( VULKAN_INCLUDE_DIR "$ENV{VULKAN_SDK}/include") #"${ANDROID_NDK}/sources/third_party/vulkan/src/include") include_directories(${VULKAN_INCLUDE_DIR}) SET( NATIVE_APP_GLUE_DIR "${ANDROID_NDK}/sources/android/native_app_glue") FILE( GLOB NATIVE_APP_GLUE_FILLES "${NATIVE_APP_GLUE_DIR}/*.c" "${NATIVE_APP_GLUE_DIR}/*.h") ADD_LIBRARY(native_app_glue STATIC ${NATIVE_APP_GLUE_FILLES}) TARGET_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES( native_app_glue PUBLIC ${NATIVE_APP_GLUE_DIR}) find_library( log-lib log ) target_link_libraries( main-lib cgkit native_app_glue android ${log-lib} ) SET( CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} -u ANativeActivity_onCreate")
  5. Click Sync Project with Gradle Files.
  1. Create a cubemap.
    • Create a cubemap configuration file (.cub file).
      width=xxx (width of each square texture, in pixels) height=xxx (height of each square texture, in pixels) depth=xxx (texture pixel depth of each square) mipmap=xxx (number of mipmap layers) face=xxx (number of cube squares) channel=xxx (Number of color channels (RGBA) of each square texture, for example, 4) suffix=xxx (format of each square texture, for example, .png)
    • Arrange six square textures (.png format) of the cubemap in the same directory (such as assets/cubemaps/env) as the configuration file and name them in the following format (i indicates the mipmap layer index, starting at 0).
      cubeface_neg_xi (left side of the cube) cubeface_neg_yi (bottom of the cube) cubeface_neg_zi (front side of the cube) cubeface_pos_xi (right side of the cube) cubeface_pos_yi (top of the cube) cubeface_pos_zi (back side of the cube)
  2. Write a vertex shader.
    • Vertex data structure (location settings must be the same as the following example).
      layout(location=0) in vec3 position; layout(location=1) in vec2 texcoord; layout(location=2) in vec3 normal; layout(location=3) in vec3 tangent;
    • Global constant data structure (set and binding must be set to the same as the following example).
      layout(set=0, binding=0) uniform GlobalUniform { mat4 view; mat4 projection; mat4 projectionOrtho; mat4 viewProjection; mat4 viewProjectionInv; mat4 viewProjectionOrtho; vec4 resolution; vec4 cameraPosition; }
  3. Write a pixel shader.
    • Light data structure (set and binding must be set to the same as the following example).
      #define MAX_FORWARD_LIGHT_COUNT = 16 #define DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT 0 #define POINT_LIGHT 1 #define SPOT_LIGHT 2 struct LightData { // xyz indicates the color, and w indicates the strength. vec4 color; // xyz indicates the position. vec4 position; // xyz indicates the direction. vec4 direction; // x indicates the type. vec4 type_angle; } layout(set=0, binding=6) uniform LightsInfos { LightData lights[MAX_FORWARD_LIGHT_COUNT]; // Number of light sources. uint count; }
    • Texture channels (Use the following names in your script).
      albedoTexture (albedo texture, corresponding to TEXTURE_TYPE_ALBEDO of class Material) normalTexture (normal texture, corresponding to TEXTURE_TYPE_NORMAL of class Material) pbrTexture (PBR texture (channel x for ambient occlusion (AO), channel y for roughness, and channel z for metallic), corresponding to TEXTURE_TYPE_PBRTEXTURE of class Material) emissionTexture (emission map, corresponding to TEXTURE_TYPE_EMISSION of class Material) envTexture (environment map, corresponding to TEXTURE_TYPE_ENVIRONMENTMAP of class Material)
  1. Create and run an instance object.
    Main.cpp is the entry class of the demo.
    Instantiate MainApplication, which inherits the BaseApplication object. Start the main rendering loop MainLoop().
    void android_main(android_app* state) { // Instantiate the main page of the demo. auto app = CreateMainApplication(); if (app == nullptr) { return; } // Start platform rendering. app->Start(reinterpret_cast<void*>(state)) // Start the main rendering loop. app->MainLoop(); CG_SAFE_DELETE(app); }
  2. Enable Log to print debug logs.
    Log is controlled by the CGKIT_LOG macro. Define the macro at the beginning of the file and then set the log level in the start function. Log levels include LOG_VERBOSE, LOG_DEBUG, LOG_INFO, LOG_WARNING, and LOG_ERROR. For details, please refer to step 3.
    void MainApplication::Start(void* param) { BaseApplication::Start(param); // Set the log level to LOG_VERBOSE to overwrite the default log level of CG Kit. // Pay attention to the calling sequence. Custom log levels must be later than start of CG Kit. Otherwise, the logs will be overwritten. Log::SetLogLevel(LOG_VERBOSE); }
  3. Functions of the demo are implemented in MainApplication.cpp.
    Creating a Camera instance and set parameters. You need to instantiate an cameraObj object in the camera scene, obtain the Camera object mainCamera, set mainCamera parameters (including the projection angle and type, target position, and view point position), and add the instance mainCamera to the global scene control instance gSceneManager.
    void MainApplication::InitScene() { LOGINFO("MainApplication InitScene."); BaseApplication::InitScene(); // step 1:Add camera LOGINFO("Enter init main camera."); SceneObject* cameraObj = CG_NEW SceneObject(nullptr); if (cameraObj == nullptr) { LOGERROR("Failed to create camera object."); return; } Camera* mainCamera = cameraObj->AddComponent<Camera>(); if (mainCamera == nullptr) { CG_SAFE_DELETE(cameraObj); LOGERROR("Failed to create main camera."); return; } const f32 FOV = 60.f; const f32 NEAR = 0.1f; const f32 FAR = 500.0f; const Vector3 EYE_POSITION(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); cameraObj->SetPosition(EYE_POSITION); mainCamera->SetProjectionType(ProjectionType::PROJECTION_TYPE_PERSPECTIVE); mainCamera->SetPerspective(FOV, gCGKitInterface.GetAspectRatio(), NEAR, FAR); mainCamera->SetViewport(0, 0, gCGKitInterface.GetScreenWidth(), gCGKitInterface.GetScreenHeight()); gSceneManager.SetMainCamera(mainCamera); }
  4. Create a scene object and loads the model, texture, and more.
    void MainApplication::InitScene() { // step 2:Load default model // Replace the value with the path that stores the generated model data. String modelName = "models/Avatar/body.obj"; Model* model = dynamic_cast<Model*>(gResourceManager.Get(modelName)); // step 3:New SceneObject and add SceneObject to SceneManager MeshRenderer* meshRenderer = nullptr; SceneObject* object = gSceneManager.CreateSceneObject(); if (object != nullptr) { // step 4:Add MeshRenderer Component to SceneObject meshRenderer = object->AddComponent<MeshRenderer>(); // step 5:Relate model's submesh to MeshRenderer if (meshRenderer != nullptr && model != nullptr && model->GetMesh() != nullptr) { meshRenderer->SetMesh(model->GetMesh()); } else { LOGERROR("Failed to add mesh renderer."); } } else { LOGERROR("Failed to create scene object."); } if (model != nullptr) { const Mesh* mesh = model->GetMesh(); if (mesh != nullptr) { LOGINFO("Model submesh count %d.", mesh->GetSubMeshCount()); LOGINFO("Model vertex count %d.", mesh->GetVertexCount()); // step 6:Load Texture String texAlbedo = "models/Avatar/Albedo_01.png"; String texNormal = "models/Avatar/Normal_01.png"; String texPbr = "models/Avatar/Pbr_01.png"; String texEmissive = "shaders/pbr_brdf.png"; u32 subMeshCnt = mesh->GetSubMeshCount(); for (u32 i = 0; i < subMeshCnt; ++i) { SubMesh* subMesh = mesh->GetSubMesh(i); if (subMesh == nullptr) { LOGERROR("Failed to get submesh."); continue; } // step 7:Add Material Material *material = dynamic_cast<Material*>( gResourceManager.Get(ResourceType::RESOURCE_TYPE_MATERIAL)); if (material == nullptr) { LOGERROR("Failed to create new material."); return; } material->Init(); material->SetSubMesh(subMesh); material->SetTexture(TextureType::TEXTURE_TYPE_ALBEDO, texAlbedo); material->SetSamplerParam(TextureType::TEXTURE_TYPE_ALBEDO, SAMPLER_FILTER_BILINEAR, SAMPLER_FILTER_BILINEAR, SAMPLER_MIPMAP_BILINEAR, SAMPLER_ADDRESS_CLAMP); material->SetTexture(TextureType::TEXTURE_TYPE_NORMAL, texNormal); material->SetSamplerParam(TextureType::TEXTURE_TYPE_NORMAL, SAMPLER_FILTER_BILINEAR, SAMPLER_FILTER_BILINEAR, SAMPLER_MIPMAP_BILINEAR, SAMPLER_ADDRESS_CLAMP); material->SetTexture(TextureType::TEXTURE_TYPE_PBRTEXTURE, texPbr); material->SetSamplerParam(TextureType::TEXTURE_TYPE_PBRTEXTURE, SAMPLER_FILTER_BILINEAR, SAMPLER_FILTER_BILINEAR, SAMPLER_MIPMAP_BILINEAR, SAMPLER_ADDRESS_CLAMP); material->SetTexture(TextureType::TEXTURE_TYPE_EMISSION, texEmissive); material->SetSamplerParam(TextureType::TEXTURE_TYPE_EMISSION, SAMPLER_FILTER_BILINEAR, SAMPLER_FILTER_BILINEAR, SAMPLER_MIPMAP_BILINEAR, SAMPLER_ADDRESS_CLAMP); material->SetTexture(TextureType::TEXTURE_TYPE_ENVIRONMENTMAP, m_envMap); material->SetSamplerParam(TextureType::TEXTURE_TYPE_ENVIRONMENTMAP, SAMPLER_FILTER_BILINEAR, SAMPLER_FILTER_BILINEAR, SAMPLER_MIPMAP_BILINEAR, SAMPLER_ADDRESS_CLAMP); material->AttachShaderStage(ShaderStageType::SHADER_STAGE_TYPE_VERTEX, "shaders/pbr_vert.spv"); material->AttachShaderStage(ShaderStageType::SHADER_STAGE_TYPE_FRAGMENT, "shaders/pbr_frag.spv"); material->SetCullMode(CULL_MODE_NONE); material->SetDepthTestEnable(true); material->SetDepthWriteEnable(true); material->Create(); meshRenderer->SetMaterial(i, material); } } else { LOGERROR("Failed to get mesh."); } } else { LOGERROR("Failed to load model."); } m_sceneObject = object; if (m_sceneObject != nullptr){ m_sceneObject->SetPosition(SCENE_OBJECT_POSITION); m_sceneObject->SetScale(SCENE_OBJECT_SCALE); } m_objectRotation = Math::PI; }
  5. Create a skybox.
    void MainApplication::InitScene() { // step 8:create sky box SceneObject* skyboxObj = CreateSkybox(); if(skyboxObj != nullptr) { skyboxObj->SetScale(Vector3(100.f, 100.f, 100.f)); } } SceneObject* MainApplication::CreateSkybox() { String modelName = "models/test-cube.obj"; Model* model = dynamic_cast<Model *>(gResourceManager.Get(modelName)); const Mesh* mesh = model->GetMesh(); // load Texture u32 subMeshCnt = mesh->GetSubMeshCount(); // Add to scene SceneObject* sceneObj = gSceneManager.CreateSceneObject(); MeshRenderer* meshRenderer = sceneObj->AddComponent<MeshRenderer>(); meshRenderer->SetMesh(model->GetMesh()); for (u32 i = 0; i < subMeshCnt; ++i) { SubMesh* subMesh = mesh->GetSubMesh(i); // add Material Material* material = dynamic_cast<Material*>(gResourceManager.Get(ResourceType::RESOURCE_TYPE_MATERIAL)); material->Init(); material->SetSubMesh(subMesh); material->SetTexture(TextureType::TEXTURE_TYPE_ENVIRONMENTMAP, m_envMap); material->SetSamplerParam(TextureType::TEXTURE_TYPE_ENVIRONMENTMAP, SAMPLER_FILTER_BILINEAR, SAMPLER_FILTER_BILINEAR, SAMPLER_MIPMAP_BILINEAR, SAMPLER_ADDRESS_CLAMP); material->AttachShaderStage(ShaderStageType::SHADER_STAGE_TYPE_VERTEX, "shaders/sky_vert.spv"); material->AttachShaderStage(ShaderStageType::SHADER_STAGE_TYPE_FRAGMENT, "shaders/sky_frag.spv"); material->SetCullMode(CULL_MODE_NONE); material->SetDepthTestEnable(true); material->SetDepthWriteEnable(true); material->Create(); meshRenderer->SetMaterial(i, material); } sceneObj->SetScale(Vector3(1.f, 1.f, 1.f)); sceneObj->SetPosition(Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); sceneObj->SetRotation(Vector3(0.0f, 0.0, 0.0)); return sceneObj; }
  6. Create light resources.
    void MainApplication::InitScene() { // step 9:Add light LOGINFO("Enter init light."); SceneObject* lightObject = CG_NEW SceneObject(nullptr); if (lightObject != nullptr) { Light* lightCom = lightObject->AddComponent<Light>(); if (lightCom != nullptr) { lightCom->SetColor(Vector3::ONE); const Vector3 DIRECTION_LIGHT_DIR(0.1f, 0.2f, 1.0f); lightCom->SetDirection(DIRECTION_LIGHT_DIR); lightCom->SetLightType(LIGHT_TYPE_DIRECTIONAL); LOGINFO("Left init light."); } else { LOGERROR("Failed to add component light."); } } else { LOG_ALLOC_ERROR("New light object failed."); } SceneObject* pointLightObject = CG_NEW SceneObject(nullptr); if (pointLightObject != nullptr) { m_pointLightObject = pointLightObject; Light* lightCom = pointLightObject->AddComponent<Light>(); if (lightCom != nullptr) { const Vector3 POINT_LIGHT_COLOR(0.0, 10000.0f, 10000.0f); lightCom->SetColor(POINT_LIGHT_COLOR); lightCom->SetLightType(LIGHT_TYPE_POINT); } else { LOGERROR("Failed to add component light."); } } else { LOG_ALLOC_ERROR("New light object failed."); } }
  7. Configure gesture events.
    void MainApplication::ProcessInputEvent(const InputEvent *inputEvent) { BaseApplication::ProcessInputEvent(inputEvent); LOGINFO("MainApplication ProcessInputEvent."); EventSource source = inputEvent->GetSource(); if (source == EVENT_SOURCE_TOUCHSCREEN) { const TouchInputEvent* touchEvent = reinterpret_cast<const TouchInputEvent *>(inputEvent); if (touchEvent->GetAction() == TOUCH_ACTION_DOWN) { // The action is "touch-down." Set the start flag of the touch event to true and calculate the rotation and scaling coordinates. LOGINFO("Action move start."); m_touchBegin = true; } else if (touchEvent->GetAction() == TOUCH_ACTION_MOVE) { // The action is "touch-move." Set the model rotation and scaling parameters. float touchPosDeltaX = touchEvent->GetPosX(touchEvent->GetTouchIndex()) - m_touchPosX; float touchPosDeltaY = touchEvent->GetPosY(touchEvent->GetTouchIndex()) - m_touchPosY; if (m_touchBegin) { // Set the model rotation parameters. if (fabs(touchPosDeltaX) > 2.f) { if (touchPosDeltaX > 0.f) { m_objectRotation -= 2.f * m_deltaTime; } else { m_objectRotation += 2.f * m_deltaTime; } LOGINFO("Set rotation start."); } // Set the model scaling parameters. if (fabs(touchPosDeltaY) > 3.f) { if (touchPosDeltaY > 0.f) { m_objectScale -= 0.25f * m_deltaTime; } else { m_objectScale += 0.25f * m_deltaTime; } m_objectScale = std::min(1.25f, std::max(0.75f, m_objectScale)); LOGINFO("Set scale start."); } } } else if (touchEvent->GetAction() == TOUCH_ACTION_UP) { // The action is "touch-up." When the touch event ends, the flag bit is reset to false. LOGINFO("Action up."); m_touchBegin = false; } else if (touchEvent->GetAction() == TOUCH_ACTION_CANCEL) { LOGINFO("Action cancel."); m_touchBegin = false; } m_touchPosX = touchEvent->GetPosX(touchEvent->GetTouchIndex()); m_touchPosY = touchEvent->GetPosY(touchEvent->GetTouchIndex()); } }
  8. Rotate and scale the model.
    void MainApplication::Update(float deltaTime) { LOGINFO("Update %f.", deltaTime); m_deltaTime = deltaTime; m_deltaAccumulate += m_deltaTime; if (m_sceneObject != nullptr) { // model rotation m_sceneObject->SetRotation(Vector3(0.0, m_objectRotation, 0.0)); // model scaling m_sceneObject->SetScale(SCENE_OBJECT_SCALE * m_objectScale); } const float POINT_HZ_X = 0.2f; const float POINT_HZ_Y = 0.5f; const float POINT_LIGHT_CIRCLE = 50.f; if (m_pointLightObject) { m_pointLightObject->SetPosition(Vector3(sin(m_deltaAccumulate * POINT_HZ_X) * POINT_LIGHT_CIRCLE, sin(m_deltaAccumulate * POINT_HZ_Y) * POINT_LIGHT_CIRCLE + POINT_LIGHT_CIRCLE, cos(m_deltaAccumulate * POINT_HZ_X) * POINT_LIGHT_CIRCLE)); } BaseApplication::Update(deltaTime); }
  9. The rendering effect of Kirin 990 is as follows.

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