
HUAWEI HiAI is an open artificial intelligence (AI) capability platform for smart devices, which adopts a "chip-device-cloud" architecture, opening up chip, app, and service capabilities for a fully intelligent ecosystem. It assists you in delivering a better smart app experience for users, by fully leveraging Huawei's powerful AI processing capabilities.
HiAI Foundation APIs constitute an AI computing library of a mobile computing platform, enabling you to efficiently compile AI apps that can run on mobile devices. You can run neural network models on mobile devices and call HiAI Foundation APIs to accelerate computing. With the default images of mobile devices, you can complete integration, development, and validation without installing the HiAI Foundation APIs. HiAI Foundation APIs are released as a unified binary file. They accelerate the computing of neural networks by using the HiAI heterogeneous computing platform. Currently, these APIs can only run on a Kirin system on a chip (SoC).

What You Will Create

In this codelab, you can use the AI capabilities of HiAI Foundation to build a simple Android app that can classify and sort images. A demo app is as follows:

What You Will Learn

Hardware Requirements

Kirin Version

Kirin 810

Kirin 990

Phone Model

Nova 5, Nova 5 Pro, Honor 20S, and Honor 9X Pro

Mate 30, Mate 30 Pro, Honor V30 Pro, P40, and P40 Pro

Software Requirements

Required Knowledge

To integrate HiAI Foundation, prepare as follows:

  1. Click here to download the demo project package of this codelab.
  2. Decompress the package to a local disk, for example, to D:\HiAI-Foundation-demo.
  1. Open the demo project.
    1. Open Android Studio that you have installed locally.
    2. Go to File > Open, and import the demo project from the directory where you have decompressed the package, for example, D:\HiAI-Foundation-demo.
    3. Click OK when the following dialog box is displayed.
  2. Synchronize the project.
    Click the icon in the figure below to synchronize the project with the Gradle files.

    If the following information is displayed, the project is successfully synchronized.

  3. Check your phone connection.
    Verify that the phone is correctly connected to your computer.

    If Unknown Device or No device is displayed, run the following command in the CMD window to restart the ADB service:

    adb kill-server and adb start-server
  4. Compile the Android.mk file.
    When using the Java Native Interface (JNI) for model inference, you need to pack libhiai.so and libhiaijni.so into the APK.
    Compile classify_jni.cpp, classify_async_jni.cpp, and buildmodel.cpp for JNI implementation, copy the three files to the JNI directory of the DDK, and compile the Android.mk file as follows:
    LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) DDK_LIB_PATH := $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../../libs/$(TARGET_ARCH_ABI) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := hiai_ir LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(DDK_LIB_PATH)/libhiai_ir.so include $(PREBUILT_SHARED_LIBRARY) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := hiai LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(DDK_LIB_PATH)/libhiai.so include $(PREBUILT_SHARED_LIBRARY) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := hcl LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(DDK_LIB_PATH)/libhcl.so include $(PREBUILT_SHARED_LIBRARY) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := hiai_ir_build LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(DDK_LIB_PATH)/libhiai_ir_build.so include $(PREBUILT_SHARED_LIBRARY) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := hiaijni LOCAL_SRC_FILES := \ classify_sync_jni.cpp \ classify_async_jni.cpp \ buildmodel.cpp LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := hiai_ir \ hiai \ hcl \ hiai_ir_build \ LOCAL_LDFLAGS := -L$(DDK_LIB_PATH) LOCAL_LDLIBS += \ -llog \ -landroid CPPFLAGS=-stdlib=libstdc++ LDLIBS=-lstdc++ LOCAL_CFLAGS += -std=c++14 include $(BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY)
  5. Compile the Application.mk file in the jni directory.
    APP_ABI := arm64-v8a armeabi-v7a APP_STL := c++_shared
  6. Copy .so files in the SDK to the resource library.
    Copy libhiai.so, libhcl.so, libhiai_ir.so, and libhiai_ir_build.so in the SDK to /libs/ in Android Studio to perform NPU-based inference.

    Copy the offline model and label file (.om and labels_caffe.txt files in src/main/assets/ of the Android source code directory provided by the DDK) to the /src/main/assets directory of your project. (These files have already been copied to the target directory in the demo, so you can skip this step.)

  7. Build the build.gradle file.
    Specify the C++ file for NDK building and add the following build information to the /src/build.gradle file.

HiAI Foundation provides the model inference capability for you to integrate, which involves both model pre-processing and model inference. The DDK provides synchronous and asynchronous APIs. The following takes synchronous APIs as an example to demonstrate the whole process of using open AI capabilities of HiAI Foundation. Files used in the development:

The demo goes through the whole process from initializing the model information, creating a model manager instance, loading the model, initializing the input and output, performing model inference, and to uninstalling the model.
  1. Initialize model information.
    protected void initModels() { File dir = getDir("models", Context.MODE_PRIVATE); String path = dir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator; ModelInfo model_2 = new ModelInfo(); model_2.setModelSaveDir(path); model_2.setUseAIPP(false); model_2.setOfflineModel("hiai_noaipp.om"); model_2.setOfflineModelName("hiai_noaipp"); model_2.setOnlineModelLabel("labels_caffe.txt"); demoModelList.add(model_2); }
  2. Create and initialize a model manager instance.

    shared_ptr<AiModelMngerClient> LoadModelSync(vector<string> names, vector<string> modelPaths, vector<bool> Aipps) { /*Create a model manager instance.*/ shared_ptr<AiModelMngerClient> clientSync = make_shared<AiModelMngerClient>(); IF_BOOL_EXEC(clientSync == nullptr, LOGE("[HIAI_DEMO_SYNC] Model Manager Client make_shared error."); return nullptr); /*Initialize the model manager.*/ int ret = clientSync->Init(nullptr); IF_BOOL_EXEC(ret != SUCCESS, LOGE("[HIAI_DEMO_SYNC] Model Manager Init Failed."); return nullptr); ...... return clientSync; }
  3. Load the model.
    int LoadSync(vector<string>& names, vector<string>& modelPaths, shared_ptr<AiModelMngerClient>& client) { int ret; vector<shared_ptr<AiModelDescription>> modelDescs; vector<MemBuffer*> memBuffers; /*C**AiModelBuilder**elBuilder object.*/ shared_ptr<AiModelBuilder> modelBuilder = make_shared<AiModelBuilder>(client); if (modelBuilder == nullptr) { LOGI("[HIAI_DEMO_SYNC] creat modelBuilder failed."); return FAILED; } for (size_t i = 0; i < modelPaths.size(); ++i) { string modelPath = modelPaths[i]; string modelName = names[i]; g_syncNameToIndex[modelName] = i; // We can achieve the optimization by loading model from OM file. LOGI("[HIAI_DEMO_SYNC] modelpath is %s\n.", modelPath.c_str()); /***Membuffer**Membuffer object, and pass the offline model path u**InputMemBufferCreate**ferCreate functio**builder**e builder object.*/ MemBuffer* buffer = modelBuilder->InputMemBufferCreate(modelPath); if (buffer == nullptr) { LOGE("[HIAI_DEMO_SYNC] cannot find the model file."); return FAILED; } memBuffers.push_back(buffer); string modelNameFull = string(modelName) + string(".om"); shared_ptr<AiModelDescription> desc = /*Set the model name, execution mode, and the device on which the execution will be performed.*/ make_shared<AiModelDescription>(modelNameFull, AiModelDescription_Frequency_HIGH, HIAI_FRAMEWORK_NONE, HIAI_MODELTYPE_ONLINE, AiModelDescription_DeviceType_NPU); if (desc == nullptr) { LOGE("[HIAI_DEMO_SYNC] LoadModelSync: desc make_shared error."); ResourceDestroy(modelBuilder, memBuffers); return FAILED; } /***SetModelBuffer**delBuffer functio**AiModelDescription**scription object.*/ desc->SetModelBuffer(buffer->GetMemBufferData(), buffer->GetMemBufferSize()); LOGE("[HIAI_DEMO_SYNC] loadModel %s IO Tensor.", desc->GetName().c_str()); modelDescs.push_back(desc); } /*Load the model using the model manager.*/ ret = client->Load(modelDescs); ResourceDestroy(modelBuilder, memBuffers); if (ret != 0) { LOGE("[HIAI_DEMO_SYNC] Model Load Failed."); return FAILED; } return SUCCESS; }
  4. Initialize the input and output.
    shared_ptr<AiModelMngerClient> LoadModelSync(vector<string> names, vector<string> modelPaths, vector<bool> Aipps) { ...... inputDimension.clear(); outputDimension.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i) { string modelName = names[i]; bool isUseAipp = Aipps[i]; LOGI("[HIAI_DEMO_SYNC] Get model %s IO Tensor. Use AIPP %d", modelName.c_str(), isUseAipp); vector<TensorDimension> inputDims, outputDims; /*Obtain the dimension of the input and output from the OM model.*/ ret = clientSync->GetModelIOTensorDim(string(modelName) + string(".om"), inputDims, outputDims); IF_BOOL_EXEC(ret != SUCCESS, LOGE("[HIAI_DEMO_SYNC] Get Model IO Tensor Dimension failed,ret is %d.", ret); return nullptr); IF_BOOL_EXEC(inputDims.size() == 0, LOGE("[HIAI_DEMO_SYNC] inputDims.size() == 0"); return nullptr); inputDimension.push_back(inputDims); outputDimension.push_back(outputDims); IF_BOOL_EXEC(UpdateSyncInputTensorVec(inputDims, isUseAipp, modelName) != SUCCESS, return nullptr); IF_BOOL_EXEC(UpdateSyncOutputTensorVec(outputDims, modelName) != SUCCESS, return nullptr); } return clientSync; } int UpdateSyncInputTensorVec(vector<TensorDimension>& inputDims, bool isUseAipp, string& modelName) { input_tensor.clear(); vector<shared_ptr<AiTensor>> inputTensors; int ret = FAILED; for (auto inDim : inputDims) { shared_ptr<AiTensor> input = make_shared<AiTensor>(); if (isUseAipp) { ret = input->Init(inDim.GetNumber(), inDim.GetHeight(), inDim.GetWidth(), AiTensorImage_YUV420SP_U8); LOGI("[HIAI_DEMO_SYNC] model %s uses AIPP(input).", modelName.c_str()); } else { /*Create an input tensor and initialize the memory size.*/ ret = input->Init(&inDim); LOGI("[HIAI_DEMO_SYNC] model %s does not use AIPP(input).", modelName.c_str()); } IF_BOOL_EXEC(ret != SUCCESS, LOGE("[HIAI_DEMO_SYNC] model %s AiTensor Init failed(input).", modelName.c_str()); return FAILED); inputTensors.push_back(input); } input_tensor.push_back(inputTensors); IF_BOOL_EXEC(input_tensor.size() == 0, LOGE("[HIAI_DEMO_SYNC] input_tensor.size() == 0"); return FAILED); return SUCCESS; } int UpdateSyncOutputTensorVec(vector<TensorDimension>& outputDims, string& modelName) { output_tensor.clear(); vector<shared_ptr<AiTensor>> outputTensors; int ret = FAILED; for (auto outDim : outputDims) { shared_ptr<AiTensor> output = make_shared<AiTensor>(); /*Create an output tensor and initialize the memory size.*/ ret = output->Init(&outDim); IF_BOOL_EXEC(ret != SUCCESS, LOGE("[HIAI_DEMO_SYNC] model %s AiTensor Init failed(output).", modelName.c_str()); return FAILED); outputTensors.push_back(output); } output_tensor.push_back(outputTensors); IF_BOOL_EXEC(output_tensor.size() == 0, LOGE("[HIAI_DEMO_SYNC] output_tensor.size() == 0"); return FAILED); return SUCCESS; }
  5. Perform model inference.
    int runProcess(JNIEnv* env, jobject bufList, jmethodID listGet, int vecIndex, int listLength, const char* modelName) { for (int i = 0; i < listLength; i++) { jbyteArray buf_ = (jbyteArray)(env->CallObjectMethod(bufList, listGet, i)); jbyte* dataBuff = nullptr; int dataBuffSize = 0; dataBuff = env->GetByteArrayElements(buf_, nullptr); dataBuffSize = env->GetArrayLength(buf_); IF_BOOL_EXEC(input_tensor[vecIndex][i]->GetSize() != dataBuffSize, LOGE("[HIAI_DEMO_SYNC] input->GetSize(%d) != dataBuffSize(%d) ", input_tensor[vecIndex][i]->GetSize(), dataBuffSize); return FAILED); /*Fill the input tensor with the input buffer data.*/ memmove(input_tensor[vecIndex][i]->GetBuffer(), dataBuff, (size_t)dataBuffSize); env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(buf_, dataBuff, 0); } AiContext context; string key = "model_name"; string value = modelName; value += ".om"; context.AddPara(key, value); LOGI("[HIAI_DEMO_SYNC] runModel modelname:%s", modelName); // before process struct timeval tpstart, tpend; gettimeofday(&tpstart, nullptr); int istamp; /***Process**e Process API of the model manager to perform model inference an**output_tensor**ut_tensor that stores the inference data.*/ int ret = g_clientSync->Process(context, input_tensor[vecIndex], output_tensor[vecIndex], 1000, istamp); IF_BOOL_EXEC(ret, LOGE("[HIAI_DEMO_SYNC] Runmodel Failed!, ret=%d\n", ret); return FAILED); // after process gettimeofday(&tpend, nullptr); float time_use = 1000000 * (tpend.tv_sec - tpstart.tv_sec) + tpend.tv_usec - tpstart.tv_usec; time_use_sync = time_use / 1000; LOGI("[HIAI_DEMO_SYNC] inference time %f ms.\n", time_use / 1000); return SUCCESS; }

    After the model inference is complete, you will obtain the output data in output_tensor. You can process it subsequently as required.

  6. Process the output and display the result.
    protected void runModel(ModelInfo modelInfo, ArrayList<byte[]> inputData) { /*Perform inference.*/ outputDataList = ModelManager.runModelSync(modelInfo, inputData); if (outputDataList == null) { Log.e(TAG, "Sync runModel outputdata is null"); return; } inferenceTime = ModelManager.GetTimeUseSync(); for(float[] outputData : outputDataList){ Log.i(TAG, "runModel outputdata length : " + outputData.length); /*Process the output after the inference is complete.*/ postProcess(outputData); } }


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