1. Introduction
Theme Studio is a Huawei-developed editing tool that allows you to edit and create a watch face quickly after completing design and preparing sliced images. The tool has the following features:
- The UI is simple and elegant, making it easy to edit widgets on your watch face.
- The tool is intuitive, convenient, and efficient, with an editing area for you to set parameters, and a preview area to drag and drop widgets.
2. What You Will Create
In this codelab, you will create an elegant and interesting watch face using Theme Studio, bringing your users a brand-new watch face style.
3. What You Will Learn
In this codelab, you will:- Learn how to make a Huawei watch face using Theme Studio.
- Gain a deeper understanding of Huawei watch faces and enjoy the process of making a watch face.
4. What You Will Need
Hardware Requirements
- A laptop running Windows 10
- A Huawei phone (with a USB cable for transmitting your watch face)
Software Requirements
- Theme Studio of the latest version
- Huawei watch face resource package
Required Knowledge
Basics about Huawei watch face creation using Theme Studio
5. Development Case

Key Points
- Extract watch face elements like the background video, clock hands, days of the week, month, date, and weather.
- Display these elements using widgets on Theme Studio.
Development Procedure
Step 1: Create a watch face.
- Start Theme Studio.
- Click Watch Face.
- Click the add sign (+).
- Select Smart Watch from WatchType.
- Select 466*466 from the Resolution drop-down list box.
- Enter an English name for your watch face in English Title.
- Click More to set more information as required, for example, Chinese Title, Author, Designer, and BriefInfo.

Step 2: Add a background video for your watch face.
- Click No when the Important Notes dialog box is displayed.
- Choose Background > Video Res.
- Click the add sign (+) in the AddVideoRes area to import the prepared video background resource package A100_079.mp4.
- Click Play to preview the imported video.
Step 3: Add clock hands.
- Choose Time > Hand Res.
- Select Hour 12 Ratio from Value Type.
- Click the add sign (+) in the AddHand Res area, import the hour hand image A100_002.png, and set HandRes Position to 233 and 233, Angle to 0 and 360, and Rotate Point to 17 and 104.
- Choose Time > Hand Res, select Minute Ratio from Value Type, and click the add sign (+) in the AddHand Res area to import the minute hand image A100_003.png. Set HandRes Position to 233 and 233, Angle to 0 and 360, and Rotate Point to 17 and 196.
- Choose Time > Hand Res, select Second Ratio from Value Type, and click the add sign (+) in the AddHand Res area to import the second hand image A100_004.png. Set HandRes Position to 233 and 233, Angle to 0 and 360, and Rotate Point to 4 and 165.
- Choose Time > Single Res, and click the add sign (+) in the AddSingle Res area to import the sliced image A100_005.png. Set Position to 215 and 215.
Step 4: Configure weather and temperature data.
- Choose Widget > Selected Res, and select Weather Type from Value Type.
- Batch import sliced images for weather (from A100_036.png to A100_063.png), and set Position to 34 and 0.
- Click Container 1 in the Layer area, and change Position to 180 and 56.
- Choose Widget > Text, and select Temperature from Value Type. Set Position to 0 and 39, and Width to 50. Select the right alignment mode. Set Font to (Recom) Roboto-Medium, Font Size to 20, Color to #FFFFFF, and transparency to 100%.
- Choose Widget > Selected Res, and select Temperature Type from Value Type. In the AddSelected Res area, click the add sign (+) to import sliced images (from A100_077.png to A100_078.png), and set Position to 57 and 43.
Step 5: Configure data about days of the week and dates.
- Choose Date > Selected Res.
- Select Week from Value Type.
- In the AddSelected Res area, click the add sign (+) to import sliced images (from A100_006.png to A100_012.png), and set Position to 205 and 343.
- Choose Widget > Selected Res, and select Month from Value Type. In the AddSelected Res area, click the add sign (+) to import sliced images (from A100_013.png to A100_024.png), and set Position to 193 and 375.
- Choose Widget > Selected Res, and select Date High from Value Type. In the AddSelected Res area, click the add sign (+) to import sliced images (from A100_026.png to A100_029.png), and set Position to 238 and 375.
- Choose Widget > Selected Res, and select Date Low from Value Type. In the AddSelected Res area, click the add sign (+) to import sliced images (from A100_026.png to A100_035.png), and set Position to 254 and 375.
- Choose Widget > Single Res. In the AddSingle Res area, click the add sign (+) to import the sliced image A100_025.png, and set Position to 226 and 375.
Step 6: Generate a preview video.
- Click the video recording icon.
- In the window displayed, click Start. When the Record Tips dialog box is displayed, click Confirm to select a path for saving the preview video.
Step 7: Create an AOD watch face.
- Click AoD Mode. Choose Background > Single Res. In the AddSingle Res area, click the add sign (+) to import the background sliced image A100_081.png. Remain the Position setting unchanged.
- Click Copy Layer in the upper right corner of the window.
- In the Copy Light Layer dialog box displayed, select Hand Res - Hour 12 Ratio, Hand Res - Minute Ratio, and Single Res - 4, and click Confirm.
Step 8: Generate a preview image.
- Click Normal mode, and choose Preview > Screenshot in the upper right corner of the window.
Step 9: Export the watch face files.
- Click Export to export the watch face files.
- Make sure that the preview image is complete.
- The resource package is generated as an HWT file (Orangediffusescreen.hwt in this codelab).
Step 10: Test the watch face on your watch.
- Save the HWT file to your phone.
- Sign in to the HUAWEI Health app using your HUAWEI ID registered on HUAWEI Developers.
- Load the watch face resource package to Watch Faces and install it on your watch.
- Preview the watch face on your watch.