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GuidesSafety DetectSuccess StoriesSputnik Improved Its Detection Rate for Malicious Reviews by 14% After Integrating the SysIntegrity Function

AppsCheck API

Service Features

  1. The accuracy of malicious app checks reaches 99%, according to authority.
  2. Unknown threats can be detected based on behavior.

Service Process

  1. Your app integrates the Safety Detect SDK and calls the AppsCheck API.
  2. The API returns a list of malicious apps to your app.

Use Cases

You can obtain a list of malicious apps and evaluate whether to restrict your app's behavior based on risks (of risky apps/virus apps).

App Development

Calling the AppsCheck API

You can directly call getMaliciousAppsList of SafetyDetectClient to obtain a list of malicious apps.

private void invokeGetMaliciousApps() {
        SafetyDetectClient appsCheckClient = SafetyDetect.getClient(MainActivity.this);
        Task task = appsCheckClient.getMaliciousAppsList();
        task.addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<MaliciousAppsListResp>() {
            public void onSuccess(MaliciousAppsListResp maliciousAppsListResp) {
                // Indicates that communication with the service was successful.
                // Use resp.getMaliciousApps() to get malicious apps data.
                List<MaliciousAppsData> appsDataList = maliciousAppsListResp.getMaliciousAppsList();
                // Indicates get malicious apps was successful.
                if(maliciousAppsListResp.getRtnCode() == CommonCode.OK) {
                    if (appsDataList.isEmpty()) {
                        // Indicates there are no known malicious apps.
                        Log.i(TAG, "There are no known potentially malicious apps installed.");
                    } else {
                        Log.i(TAG, "Potentially malicious apps are installed!");
                        for (MaliciousAppsData maliciousApp : appsDataList) {
                            Log.i(TAG, "Information about a malicious app:");
                            // Use getApkPackageName() to get APK name of malicious app.
                            Log.i(TAG, "APK: " + maliciousApp.getApkPackageName());
                            // Use getApkSha256() to get APK sha256 of malicious app.
                            Log.i(TAG, "SHA-256: " + maliciousApp.getApkSha256());
                            // Use getApkCategory() to get category of malicious app.
                            // Categories are defined in AppsCheckConstants
                            Log.i(TAG, "Category: " + maliciousApp.getApkCategory());
                    Log.e(TAG,"getMaliciousAppsList failed: "+maliciousAppsListResp.getErrorReason());
        }).addOnFailureListener(new OnFailureListener() {
            public void onFailure(Exception e) {
                // An error occurred during communication with the service.
                if (e instanceof ApiException) {
                    // An error with the HMS API contains some
                    // additional details.
                    ApiException apiException = (ApiException) e;
                    // You can retrieve the status code using the apiException.getStatusCode() method.
                    Log.e(TAG, "Error: " +  SafetyDetectStatusCodes.getStatusCodeString(apiException.getStatusCode()) + ": " + apiException.getStatusMessage());
                } else {
                    // A different, unknown type of error occurred.
                    Log.e(TAG, "ERROR: " + e.getMessage());
private fun getMaliciousApps() {
			.addOnSuccessListener { maliciousAppsListResp ->
				val appsDataList: List<MaliciousAppsData> = maliciousAppsListResp.maliciousAppsList
				if (maliciousAppsListResp.rtnCode == CommonCode.OK) {
					if (appsDataList.isEmpty()) {
						val text = "No known potentially malicious apps are installed."
						Toast.makeText(this!!.applicationContext, text, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
					} else {
						for (maliciousApp in appsDataList) {
							Log.e(TAG, "Information about a malicious app:")
							Log.e(TAG, "  APK: " + maliciousApp.apkPackageName)
							Log.e(TAG, "  SHA-256: " + maliciousApp.apkSha256)
							Log.e(TAG, "  Category: " + maliciousApp.apkCategory)
						val maliciousAppAdapter: ListAdapter = MaliciousAppsDataListAdapter(appsDataList, requireContext())
						fg_list_app.adapter = maliciousAppAdapter
				} else {
					val msg = ("Get malicious apps list failed! Message: "
							+ maliciousAppsListResp.errorReason)
					Log.e(com.huawei.hms.safetydetect.sample.SafetyDetectAppsCheckAPIFragment.TAG, msg)
					Toast.makeText(this!!.applicationContext, msg, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
			.addOnFailureListener { e -> // There was an error communicating with the service.
				val errorMsg: String?
				errorMsg = if (e is ApiException) {
					// An error with the HMS API contains some additional details.
					val apiException = e as ApiException
					SafetyDetectStatusCodes.getStatusCodeString(apiException.statusCode) +
							": " + apiException.message
					// You can use the apiException.getStatusCode() method to get the status code.
				} else {
					// Unknown type of error has occurred.
				val msg = "Get malicious apps list failed! Message: $errorMsg"
				Log.e(com.huawei.hms.safetydetect.sample.SafetyDetectAppsCheckAPIFragment.TAG, msg)
				Toast.makeText(this!!.applicationContext, msg, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()

For details about the verification logic, please refer to AppsCheck in Client Sample Code.

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