Notice - HUAWEI Developer

HUAWEI Developer Update Notice

December 28, 2018

Dear Developer, 


We are constantly updating HUAWEI Developer to provide you with a better developing experience. Please note that the following updates have been made in the latest version. 


Improved Merchant Service and Payment Service 


1. Service status: 

The Service Status on the Merchant Service and Payment Service pages now displays as follows: Merchant service under review, Merchant/Payment service enabled, and Merchant/Payment service not enabled (including applications that have not been submitted or have been rejected). 


2. New FAQ sections: 

There are additional Merchant Service and Payment Service FAQ sections which you can consult in order to solve any issues. 


3. Improved page prompts: 

There are additional Merchant Service and Payment Service page prompts which you can read to help you fill in information. 


HUAWEI Developer 

December 28, 2018