Before developing your app, you can follow instructions in the codelab to experience how to quickly integrate this kit into an app.
Android Studio version: 3.6.1 or later
Test device: Refer to Supported Devices for more details.
If you need to use multiple HMS Core kits, use the latest versions required for these kits.
Follow the steps in the following table when you develop an app.
No. | Step | Description |
1 | Configure app information in AppGallery Connect, including creating an app, generating a signing certificate fingerprint, configuring the signing certificate fingerprint, and enabling required services. | |
2 | Integrate the HMS Core SDK into your app. | |
3 | Before building the APK, configure the obfuscation configuration file to prevent the HMS Core SDK from being obfuscated. | |
4 | Develop the SysIntegrity API for your app, so that it calls the SysIntegrity API to check the system integrity of a device. If the device is insecure, the app will take appropriate measures. | |
5 | Develop the AppsCheck API for your app, so that it can obtain a list of malicious apps and evaluate whether to restrict your app's behavior based on risks (of risky apps/virus apps). | |
6 | Develop the URLCheck API for your app. When a user visits a URL, this API checks whether the URL is a malicious one. If so, you can evaluate the risk and either warn the user of the risk or block the URL. | |
7 | Develop the UserDetect API for your app. This API can help your app prevent fake user behavior, such as batch registration, credential stuffing attacks, activity bonus hunting, and content crawling. | |
8 | Develop the WifiDetect API for your app. After you integrate WifiDetect into your app, your app can detect ARP attacks, man-in-the-middle attacks, DNS hijacking attacks, and other attacks on the Wi-Fi to be connected. If attacks are detected, your app can interrupt the operation or ask users to confirm whether to continue the operation. | |
9 | Use the tool offered by Huawei to automatically check your app before release. | |
10 | Complete your app information in AppGallery Connect, and submit your app for release. |
HMS Toolkit provides end-to-end tools (including those for app creation, free real-device debugging, and releasing) that you need to develop your own HMS Core-integrated app and release it, with lower costs and higher efficiency.