DeviceVirtualization - HUAWEI Developers

DeviceVirtualization Engine

DeviceVirtualization Engine

DeviceVirtualization Engine allows for mobile phones to utilize virtualized external devices and components. The TV screen, camera, and speaker are able to function as the phone screen, camera, and speaker, while the wearable is capable of serving as the phone's sensor. DeviceVirtualization Engine broadens the services that are available on a mobile phone, to bring seamless AI living to countless end users.
Supported on
  • Android

Service Scenarios

Apps can integrate DeviceVirtualization Engine and become able to utilize the virtualized devices and external resources in an optimal and comprehensive manner.

Hardware devices can integrate DeviceVirtualization Engine to become virtualized components for the mobile phone, and be further utilized by its operating system, creating a wealth of new possibilities.

Integration Guide

Register and get verified
Sign the agreement
Download the SDK
Prepare and set up the environment


DeviceVirtualization selects the peripherals with the best performance for partners, and enhances user experience, by fully leveraging the unique advantages of each device type.
Enhanced experience
Distributed virtualized peripherals bolster the capabilities of social, media, live streaming, and fitness apps, significantly enhancing user experience in the process.
Wider usage
Peripheral products are made accessible to a wider range of users, with higher usage frequency and a longer usage duration, for skyrocketing traffic and brand recognition.
Advantages Advantages



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