Notice - HUAWEI Developer

Announcement about HUAWEI Developer Services

May 8, 2020

Due to organizational changes within the HUAWEI group, further to the transfers of related services in certain countries/regions in 2019, related services provided in and for following countries on and via the HUAWEI Developer website (, hereinafter refer to as “Website”) will be transferred on Jun 9, 2020 from Aspiegel Limited to HUAWEI Services (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., an affiliate of Aspiegel Limited, incorporated and based in Hong Kong, China.


This change applies to following countries: Japan, Republic of Korea.


Additionally, in order to provide developers with more user-friendly and convenient experience on the Website and related platforms, we will make changes to certain agreements on the Website and related platforms in the coming months. We will inform you of such changes in advance later on.


1. What is this change and how does it impact your rights under the service agreements you have?

HUAWEI wishes to introduce innovative digital content services and to expand the products and services available to our developers. We will do this with dedicated expert teams, working with specially established and designated HUAWEI companies (including HUAWEI Services (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.) so that we can better meet the needs of our developers. This change is part of our commitment to provide you with the best possible service and to prepare to launch exciting new ones. We have therefore restructured some of our operations. We will continue to provide services to developers worldwide on and via the Website.

Starting from Jun 9, 2020, HUAWEI Services (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. will provide services on and via this Website, in particular, services for your production distribution, in abovementioned countries. Therefore, HUAWEI Services (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. will become your contracting party of agreements in relation to such services and take over from Aspiegel Limited all legal responsibilities and obligations in relation to such services in abovementioned countries. In particular, HUAWEI Services (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. will also take over from Aspiegel Limited the responsibility of protecting your personal data. 

This change will NOT affect the way you use our services. In general, your rights and obligations are unaffected by this change.


2. How does this change affect your data protection and privacy rights?

Your data protection and privacy rights are NOT lessened in any way. Your data with regard to your developer identity with HUAWEI as well as all personal data you have entrusted to us will continue to be processed as it was previously.


3. Does this change require any action from you?

No, you don’t have to take any action at the moment. You can continue to use our services on and via this Website just as before and follow the instructions when you log on this Website. We will also introduce new developer services in the future.

However, if you want to opt out of this change, you will need to stop using services provided on and via this Website and remove your products from this Website before Jun 9, 2020 in accordance with Product Removal terms provided in related service agreements. This is explained further below in Section 5.


4. When will this change take place?

This change will happen on Jun 9, 2020.


5. How can you opt out of this change?

We sincerely hope that you enjoy and trust our services and that you want to keep using them. However, if you do choose to opt out of this change, you can terminate your service agreements by stopping using services on and via this Website and remove your products from this Website before Jun 9, 2020 in accordance with Product Removal terms provided in related service agreements. Such Product Removal terms include but are not limited to: informing HUAWEI as well as your end users before Jun 9, 2020 of such removal of your product, providing a notice to end users on product pages within such product for a reasonable period before removing such product from this Website.



If you would like to know more about this change or how to opt out of this change, please send your inquiries to Customer Service.