Develop Novice Guide

Comprehensive services for app development, testing, promotion, and monetization, supported by Huawei device capabilities, a far-reaching global platform, and abundant resources.


Register and get verified
Get started with HUAWEI Developers by registering for a HUAWEI ID and verifying your identity. You'll gain access to Huawei's open capabilities and integrated development tools, and benefit from app distribution on a global scale, through channels like AppGallery, HUAWEI Themes, and HUAWEI GameCenter.


Create your app
Create an app or project in AppGallery Connect and make full use of premium services like build, quality, and grow to develop high-level capabilities.


Integrate SDKs
Integrate a wealth of SDKs into your app to access open capabilities and services, assisted by professional technical support and tutorials.


Test your app
Depend on Cloud Testing to conduct automatic compatibility, stability, performance, power consumption, and security tests on Huawei devices, with detailed reports. Debug your app remotely on a wide selection of real devices via Cloud Debugging to detect and fix potential issues in advance, free from the hassle of catering to diverse device models and management challenges.


Release your app
Release your app in AppGallery Connect, and distribute it to Huawei's massive global user base, with the benefit of the identity verification and four-layer detection system, to ensure optimally secure app download and usage.


Implement refined operations
Pursue data-driven activity and user operations based on analytical reports in AppGallery Connect, to boost user engagement and growth.

Keep track of industry news, releases, and developer stories all in one place, and conveniently share them with others.

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Browse the latest documents to learn how to integrate Huawei's open capabilities and services in little time, and with zero hassle.

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HUAWEI Developer Forum
HUAWEI Developer Forum

Obtain exclusive insights on Huawei open capabilities and services, by taking part in discussions and participating in enriching technical knowledge exchanges.

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Draw inspiration and support by staying plugged in to a global developer community. Explore a range of new possibilities to build tomorrow's digital world.

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