Prediction - HUAWEI Developers

Prediction Prediction Prediction
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Service Scenarios

Works in concert with Push Kit to reach users who are most likely to churn or pay, with a high degree of precision.

Partners with A/B Testing to evaluate the effects of promotional activities.

Utilizes Remote Configuration to help you tailor your app experience for different user groups.


Accurate prediction models
Utilizes cutting-edge machine learning technologies to train models that automatically associate time series with other user characteristics, for enhanced prediction accuracy.
In-depth insights into target audiences
Understands audiences' preferences by analyzing user attributes, behavior, and other metrics, helping you pursue optimal, data-driven strategies at all times.
Open audience operations
Opens audience predictions to such services as Push Kit, A/B Testing, and Remote Configuration, to help your business grow.
Rapid task creation
Creates predictions for a diverse range of conversion events, and optimizes prediction models to generate more accurate results.
Advantages Advantages

Technical Support

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Business Cooperation

If you want to cooperate with us on open capability access, software, joint game operations, paid app promotion, or anything else, click the link below.

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